Orkney College
Bill Ross – Principal Tel: 01856 569000 Kirkwall , Orkney KW15 1LX We offer a range of Further Education and short courses... Read More
North Walls Community School
Tel: 01856 791246 Email: admin.northwalls@orkneyschools.org.uk Lyness , Stromness, Stromness KW16 3NX www.northwalls.orkney.sch.uk/
Kirkwall Grammar School
Tel: 01856 872102 Email: www.kgsorkney.co.uk/ Kirkwall , Kirkwall KW15 1QN admin.kgs@orkneyschools.org.uk
Taylor High School (Catholic secondary school)
Tel: 01698 352 590 Email: enquiries@taylor.n-lanark.sch.uk Carfin Street , New Stevenston, Motherwell ML1 4JP www.taylor.n-lanark.sch.uk/
St Phillip`s School (Catholic)
Tel: 01236 765 407 Email: information@stphillipsschool.co.uk Plains , Airdrie, Airdrie ML6 7SF www.stphilipsschoolplains.org.uk/open_school/welcome/
St Margaret`s High School (Catholic)
Tel: 01236 794 888 Email: EMAIL ON SITE Waverley Drive , Airdrie ML6 6EU www.northlanarkshire.gov.uk/index.aspx?articleid=5928
St Ambrose High School (Catholic)
Tel: 01236 427 671 Email: ht@st-ambrose.n-lanark.sch.uk Blair Road , Coatbridge ML5 2EW www.st-ambrose.n-lanark.sch.uk/home%20page
St Aidan`s High School (Catholic)
Tel: 01698 352555 Email: ht@st-aidanshigh.n-lanark.sch.uk Waverley Drive , Wishaw ML2 7EW www.st-aidanshigh.n-lanark.sch.uk/
Our Lady`s High School
Tel: 01698 265191 Email: ht@ourladyshigh.n-lanark.sch.uk Dalzell Drive , Motherwell ML1 2DG www.ourladyshighschool.co.uk/
Our Lady`s High School
Tel: 01236 757688 Email: ht@brannock.n-lanark.sch.uk Dowanfield Road , Cumbernauld G67 1LA www.brannock.n-lanark.sch.uk/