Tel: 0184 7892027 Fax: 018478 92690 Janet Street , Thurson, Caithness KW14 7AR
Raigmore Hospital
Tel: 01463 704000 Inverness , Inverness-shire IV2 3UJ www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk
Princes Street Surgery (Caithness)
Tel: 0184 7893154 Fax: 0184 892113 69 Princes Street , Thurso, Caithness KW14 7DH
Portree Medical Centre
Tel: 0147 8612013 Fax: 014786 12340 Portree , Isle of Skye IV51 9BZ www.portreemedical.scot.nhs.uk
Portree Community Hospital
Tel: 01478 613200 Portree , Isle of Skye IV51 9BZ www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk
NHS Highland (Website Enquiries)
– Communications Webmaster Email: webmaster@haht.scot.nhs.uk www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk
NHS Highland (Media Enquiries)
– Communications Department Tel: 01463 704781; 01463 704000 (out of hours) www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk
NHS Highland (General Contacts)
Tel: 01463 704000 Email: nhs.highland@nhs.net NHS Highland, Assynt House , Beechwood Park, Inverness, Inverness-shire IV2 3BW www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk
NHS Highland (Freedom of Information)
– Information Governance Officer Email: High-UHB.FOIRequestsHighland@nhs.net NHS Highland, Assynt House , Beechwood Park, Inverness, Inverness-shire IV2 3HG www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk
NHS Highland (Complaints and Advice Team)
– Complaints and Claims Officer Tel: 01463 705997 Email: nhshighland.complaints@nhs.net NHS Highland, John Dewar Building, Inverness Retail Park , Highlander Way, Inverness, Inverness-shire... Read More