Taynuilt Medical Practice
Tel: 0186 6822684 Fax: 01866 822363 Taynuilt Surgery , Taynuilt, by Oban, Argyll PA35 1JE www.taynuiltmedical.co.uk
Tarbert Medical Practice
Tel: 0188 0820219 Fax: 01880 820104 Tarbert , Tarbert, Argyll & Bute PA29 6TY
Strachur Medical Practice
Tel: 0136 9860224 Fax: 01369 860225 Dalnacraig , Strachur, Cairndow, Argyll & Bute PA27 8BX
Southend Medical Practice
Tel: 0158 6830635 Fax: 01586 830322 Teapot Lane , Southend, Argyll & Bute PA28 6RW
Ross Mull and Iona Medical Services
Tel: 0168 1700261 Fax: 01681 700638 The Surgery , Bunessan, Isle of Mull, Argyll & Bute PA67 6DG
Riverbank Surgery
Tel: 0136 9840279 Fax: 01369 840664 Kilmun , Argyll & Bute PA23 8SE
Rhinns Medical Centre
Tel: 0149 6850210 Fax: 01496 850511 Prot Charlotte , Isle of Islay, Argyll & Bute PA48 7UD
Port Ellen Practice
Tel: 0149 6302103 Fax: 01496 302112 Back Road , Prot Ellen, Argyll & Bute PA42 7DR
Port Appin Surgery
Tel: 0163 1730271 Fax: 016317 30642 Port Appin , Argyll & Bue PA38 4DE
Mid-Argyll Community Hospital and Integrated Care Centre
Tel: 01546 462000 Lochgilphead , Argyllshire PA31 8JZ www.nhshighland.scot.nhs.uk