0131 550 1561 office@veteransscotland.org.uk


RAPTC Association

Maj (Retd) Peter Leigh Tel: 01252 349197 Email: aspt-regsec@aspt.mod.uk Army School of Physical Training , Fox Lines, Queen`s Avenue, Aldershot GU11 2LB http://www.army.mod.uk/raptc/12945.aspx

RAOC Association

– RAOC Secretary Tel: 01252 833376 Email: raocassociation@rhqtherlc.org.uk Dettingen House , Princess Royal Barracks, Deepcut, Camberley GU16 6RW http://www.army.mod.uk/rlc/history/17696.aspx

RAEC Association

– Secretary Tel: 01962 887870 Email: raec.association@milnet.uk.net Worthy Down , Winchester, Hampshire SO21 2RG http://www.army.mod.uk/agc/7439.aspx

QARANC Association

Regimental Secretary Tel: 01276 412754 Email: regtsecqaranc@hotmail.com Regimental Headquarters QARANC HQ , Former Army Staff College, Slim Road, Camberley GU15 4NP http://www.qarancassociation.org.uk/

Irish Guards Association

Lt Col JB O`Gorman – Regimental Secretary Tel: 02074 143293 RHQ Irish Guards , Wellington Barracks, London SW1E 6HQ http://www.army.mod.uk/infantry/regiments/9607.aspx

Intelligence Corps Association

– The Corps Secretary Tel: 01462 752340 Headquarters Directorate Intelligence Corps , Chickslands, Shefford SG17 5PR http://www.army.mod.uk/intelligence/association/default.aspx


Maj (Retd) MRM Maurice Gibson MBE – Regt Secretary Tel: 094749 8136 Fax: 094749 8172 Email: regimentalsecretary@highlandersarmy.mod.uk Home Headquarters , Cameron Barracks, Inverness...
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