0131 550 1561 office@veteransscotland.org.uk

First Base Agency (Dumfries)

Education Manager – Mark Frankland
Tel: 01387 279 680 Email: mark@first-base.org

6 Beccleuch Street , Dumfries DG2 8PX

The First Base Veterans project works on four distinct levels. Firstly, and most importantly, we will try to do all we can to assist local veterans. Although help can be many months in coming locally, it can be more quickly available in other areas of Scotland. We will try to make the necessary connections and we can arrange for one of our ex-service volunteers to drive a veteran to where the help is available. We will also look to ‘signpost’ clients to any other services that can be of assistance to them. Secondly, we will do what we can to support the families of veterans, most particularly those who are trying to deal with alcohol and drug related issues. We offer drug awareness training sessions to any organisation working with veterans who have developed a substance misuse problem. It is very hard to help someone who is misusing drugs unless you have a proper understanding about the effects the drugs are likely to have both on lifestyle and behaviour. Finally, we will try to help in any we can with the goal of Veterans Scotland to raise public awareness about the difficulties so many returning soldiers are facing, particularly in these dire economic times.