The website has the same great analysis, opinion, kit pieces, videos, and explainers as ever. And BFBS Forces News remains the only place to find in-depth coverage of British military sport.

The new name for the website builds on the growth of Traffic to the site grew 29% in the past year, to 8.2 million page views, while its daily newsletter has 44,200 subscribers.

Forces News is a busy newsroom of reporters based across the country, including Plymouth, Edinburgh, Yorkshire, and the Midlands, plus in Cyprus and Germany.

Forces News stories are available to serving personnel and their families overseas via BFBS TV, and to everyone on YouTube, Instagram, X, Facebook and TikTok – and now on Audiences and followers can also sign up for a daily Forces News daily newsletter here.

The British Forces Broadcasting Service (BFBS) is a military and media charity with a mission to entertain, inform, connect, and champion the UK armed forces, their families, and veterans.