Sector Insight Armed Forces Charities 2020
Charity services for veterans save the state nearly £1 billion each year
Sector Insight: Armed Forces Charities provides key insights into an important part of the charity sector which serves around 6 million people in the UK and generates over £1bn annual income. It shines a light on over 1800 charities providing a huge array of vital services from health to housing, education to employment, families to finance – often in partnership with other charities.
Lead author of the report, Stuart Cole said: ‘Armed forces charities provide everything from complex physical and mental rehabilitation, to housing and social activities. The money these charities raise and the services they provide aren’t an ‘add-on’ or ‘nice to have’ – they’re central to the quality of life for millions of Serving and ex-Serving personnel and their families.’
Ray Lock, Chief Executive of Forces in Mind Trust, said: ‘Sector Insight is part of a series of reports by DSC that Forces in Mind Trust has funded over the last seven years, and we are very proud that they are regularly used by some of the most senior policy makers, media commentators and service providers. Our overriding ambition is to make an impact – these seminal reports have done so up to now, and I’m determined that the latest work will continue this success.’
General Sir John McColl, Chairman of Cobseo, said: ‘Considering the COVID-19 pandemic, the sector will undoubtedly need to change significantly over the coming months and years, and the hard decisions that will need to be made will be informed by the detailed and thorough analysis of the Sector provided by this report.’