0131 550 1561 office@veteransscotland.org.uk

Who Dares Cares annual pilgrimage, the West Highland Way 2024

Back in the first week in June 2024, Who Dares Cares embarked on their annual pilgrimage, the West Highland Way 2024

This years group included Civilians, Dependents, Veterans and those still serving

They set off on June 1 st, a few miles in WDC Mascot Golden Lab “Balach” went into “Battle Shock” after hearing gunfire in the hills. Always expect the unexpected, the group came together and carried Balach to an extraction point some 4 miles off. We are happy to report Balach has made a full recovery and is back to normal duties.

On the 6 th June 2024 80th Anniversary of Operation Overlord the “Troop” visited the war memorial in Crianlarich and laid a wreath to Remember the fallen that paid the Ultimate sacrifice.

The wreath was laid by our two Youngest members Harrison Ross (13) and Connor MacLeod (16) It is important that we teach our youngsters the sacrifice paid so they could live free


The “Troop” arrived in Fort William on Friday 7 th June


All out All in

It was great to be joined by Hannah Laidlaw daughter of Dan Laidlaw KOSB & 22 SAS , sadly Dan failed to beat the clock and was taken too young by the demons. Dan would have been proud of Hannah’s efforts. Congratulations to Hannah who informed us she was 17 weeks pregnant !

A great but challenging week was had by All, till next year when we go again

If interested please email WDC@who-dares-cares.com

West Highland Way 2025
31 May to 7 June  2025